Friday, August 29, 2014

Rapid response systems in hospitals

The incidence of inhospital cardiac arrests (IHCAs) has decreased by more than 50% in those Australian hospitals with rapid response systems (RRSs), according to an article recently published in the Medical Journal of Australia.  Cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality trends, and their association with rapid response system expansion by Jack Chen et al, explains that as RRSs have been progressively introduced since 2002 there has been a coincidental reduction in hospital mortality due to IHCAs and and increased survival to hospital discharge.

One of the paper's authors, Kenneth Hillman, wrote a piece summarising the research in a recent issue of The Conversation: Rapid response teams halve hospital heart attack deaths.

Med J Aust 2014; 201 (3): 167-170. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00019.  Access the full text via CIAP or ask your health librarian. 

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