Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Providing care after stillbirth

Six babies are stillborn in Australia every day. The Stillbirth Foundation Australia has funded a research project of the Joanna Briggs Institute. The objective of this review was to identify effective, meaningful and/or appropriate non-pharmacological, psychosocial supportive care interventions and strategies for families to improve their psychological well-being following stillbirth. Associate Professor Edoardo Aromataris says that “the findings of the review showed that parents can be comforted by healthcare professionals who are prepared to involve them collaboratively in decision-making, and to provide empathetic, sensitive and respectful care at all times.” As a result, these three publications are now freely available on the Stillbirth Foundation website: 

1. Evidence-based guidance for healthcare professionals providing care for parents from diagnosis to birth
2. Evidence-based guidance for healthcare professionals providing care for parents immediately after birth
3. Providing care for families who have experienced stillbirth: a comprehensive systematic review 

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